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The Blizzard of 1888

Published by 911 Restoration Connecticut on March 4, 2014 in category: Storm Damage
The Blizzard of 1888 was an extreme snowstorm that hit the northeastern part of the United States. Connecticut was especially affected by the storm. The storm dumped between 20 and 50 inches of snow in Connecticut and combined with strong winds, the state was faced... 

Don’t Let Your Toilet Turn into an Ice Bowl: Why Keeping Your Plumbing Warm is Important

Published by 911 Restoration Connecticut on March 3, 2014 in category: Water Damage Restoration
You may remember the holiday classic movie ‘A Christmas Story’ in which little Ralph’s friend Flick becomes stuck to an ice-coated pole requiring assistance from the fire brigade to free him. Now imagine having a little moisture on your backside (hey we are all human)... 

Why a Straight Flush Beats a Full House: A Call to Businesses to Monitor their Plumbing

Published by 911 Restoration Connecticut on February 26, 2014 in category: Sewage Backup
Maintaining sanitary conditions in your place of business is vital to your success and community reputation. And when you or a customer steps into the bathroom to use the toilet, you expect a straight flush with no back sass. But sometimes sewage backup occurs, and... 

When Does Water Damage Take on the Semblance of a Horror Film?

Published by 911 Restoration Connecticut on February 21, 2014 in category: Water Damage Restoration
Let’s set the scene: you just picked the kids up from school in the middle of January. It is 20 degrees outside, you just battled rush hour traffic on the icy roads, and now you are in the driveway frantically trying to bring the groceries... 
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